Auxiliary function for the raw FFT. \n
* This is the function used internally to change the lowest frequency position in the image. \n
* If the image size has even dimensions the flag "center2origin" is useless. But if it is odd,
* you must specify if its from center to origin (usually used before inverse) or
* from origin to center (usually used after forward). \n
* Notice that this function is used for images in the the frequency domain. \n
* Image type must be float complex.
* \verbatim im.ProcessSwapQuadrants(image: imImage, center2origin: number) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
* \ingroup fourier
Auxiliary function for the raw FFT. \n * This is the function used internally to change the lowest frequency position in the image. \n * If the image size has even dimensions the flag "center2origin" is useless. But if it is odd, * you must specify if its from center to origin (usually used before inverse) or * from origin to center (usually used after forward). \n * Notice that this function is used for images in the the frequency domain. \n * Image type must be float complex. * * \verbatim im.ProcessSwapQuadrants(image: imImage, center2origin: number) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup fourier