
\file \brief World Coordinate Functions

See Copyright Notice in cd.h

Public Imports

public import cd.wd_old;
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void wdCanvasArc(cdCanvas* canvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double angle1, double angle2)
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void wdCanvasBox(cdCanvas* canvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
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void wdCanvasCanvas2World(cdCanvas* canvas, int xv, int yv, double* xw, double* yw)
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void wdCanvasChord(cdCanvas* canvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double angle1, double angle2)
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void wdCanvasClipArea(cdCanvas* canvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
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int wdCanvasFont(cdCanvas* canvas, const(char)* type_face, int style, double size)
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int wdCanvasGetClipArea(cdCanvas* canvas, double* xmin, double* xmax, double* ymin, double* ymax)
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void wdCanvasGetFont(cdCanvas* canvas, char* type_face, int* style, double* size)
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void wdCanvasGetFontDim(cdCanvas* canvas, double* max_width, double* height, double* ascent, double* descent)
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void wdCanvasGetImageRGB(cdCanvas* canvas, ubyte* r, ubyte* g, ubyte* b, double x, double y, int iw, int ih)
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void wdCanvasGetRegionBox(cdCanvas* canvas, double* xmin, double* xmax, double* ymin, double* ymax)
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void wdCanvasGetTextBounds(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, const(char)* s, double* rect)
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void wdCanvasGetTextBox(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, const(char)* s, double* xmin, double* xmax, double* ymin, double* ymax)
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void wdCanvasGetTextSize(cdCanvas* canvas, const(char)* s, double* width, double* height)
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void wdCanvasGetTransform(cdCanvas* canvas, double* sx, double* sy, double* tx, double* ty)
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void wdCanvasGetVectorTextBounds(cdCanvas* canvas, const(char)* s, double x, double y, double* rect)
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void wdCanvasGetVectorTextBox(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, const(char)* s, double* xmin, double* xmax, double* ymin, double* ymax)
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void wdCanvasGetVectorTextSize(cdCanvas* canvas, const(char)* s, double* x, double* y)
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void wdCanvasGetViewport(cdCanvas* canvas, int* xmin, int* xmax, int* ymin, int* ymax)
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void wdCanvasGetWindow(cdCanvas* canvas, double* xmin, double* xmax, double* ymin, double* ymax)
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void wdCanvasHardcopy(cdCanvas* canvas, cdContext* ctx, void* data, void function(cdCanvas* canvas_copy) draw_func)
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int wdCanvasIsPointInRegion(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y)
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void wdCanvasLine(cdCanvas* canvas, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
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double wdCanvasLineWidth(cdCanvas* canvas, double width)
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void wdCanvasMark(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y)
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double wdCanvasMarkSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double size)
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void wdCanvasMultiLineVectorText(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, const(char)* s)
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void wdCanvasOffsetRegion(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y)
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void wdCanvasPattern(cdCanvas* canvas, int w, int h, const(c_long)* color, double w_mm, double h_mm)
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void wdCanvasPixel(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, c_long color)
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int wdCanvasPlay(cdCanvas* canvas, cdContext* context, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, void* data)
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void wdCanvasPutBitmap(cdCanvas* canvas, cdBitmap* bitmap, double x, double y, double w, double h)
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void wdCanvasPutImageRect(cdCanvas* canvas, cdImage* image, double x, double y, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
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void wdCanvasPutImageRectMap(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih, const(ubyte)* index, const(c_long)* colors, double x, double y, double w, double h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
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void wdCanvasPutImageRectRGB(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih, const(ubyte)* r, const(ubyte)* g, const(ubyte)* b, double x, double y, double w, double h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
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void wdCanvasPutImageRectRGBA(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih, const(ubyte)* r, const(ubyte)* g, const(ubyte)* b, const(ubyte)* a, double x, double y, double w, double h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
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void wdCanvasRect(cdCanvas* canvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
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void wdCanvasScale(cdCanvas* canvas, double dsx, double dsy)
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void wdCanvasSector(cdCanvas* canvas, double xc, double yc, double w, double h, double angle1, double angle2)
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void wdCanvasSetTransform(cdCanvas* canvas, double sx, double sy, double tx, double ty)
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void wdCanvasStipple(cdCanvas* canvas, int w, int h, const(ubyte)* fgbg, double w_mm, double h_mm)
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void wdCanvasText(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, const(char)* s)
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void wdCanvasTranslate(cdCanvas* canvas, double dtx, double dty)
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double wdCanvasVectorCharSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double size)
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void wdCanvasVectorText(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y, const(char)* s)
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void wdCanvasVectorTextDirection(cdCanvas* canvas, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
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void wdCanvasVectorTextSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double size_x, double size_y, const(char)* s)
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void wdCanvasVertex(cdCanvas* canvas, double x, double y)
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void wdCanvasViewport(cdCanvas* canvas, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
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void wdCanvasWindow(cdCanvas* canvas, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
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void wdCanvasWorld2Canvas(cdCanvas* canvas, double xw, double yw, int* xv, int* yv)
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void wdCanvasWorld2CanvasSize(cdCanvas* canvas, double hw, double vw, int* hv, int* vv)
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