
Reads the image data with or without conversion. \n * The data can be converted to bitmap when reading. * Data type conversion to byte will always scan for min-max then scale to 0-255, * except integer values that min-max are already between 0-255. Complex to real conversions will use the magnitude. \n * Color mode flags contains packed, alpha and top-bottom information. * If flag is 0 means unpacked, no alpha and bottom up. If flag is -1 the file original flags are used. \n * Returns an error code. * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig. * * \verbatim ifile:ReadImageData(data: userdata, convert2bitmap: boolean, color_mode_flags: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

extern (C) @nogc nothrow
