\file \brief Main API

See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h



alias imFile = _imFile

\brief Image File Structure (Private). * \ingroup file


enum imColorModeConfig

Image color mode configuration/extra descriptors (1 bit each in the second byte). \n * See also \ref colormodeutl. * \ingroup imagerep

enum imColorSpace

Image color mode color space descriptors (first byte). \n * See also \ref colormodeutl. * \ingroup imagerep

enum imDataType

Image data type descriptors. \n * See also \ref datatypeutl. * \ingroup imagerep

enum imErrorCodes

File Access Error Codes * \par * In Lua use im.ErrorStr(err) to convert the error number into a string. * \ingroup file


void imFileClose(imFile* ifile)

Closes the file. \n * In Lua if this function is not called, the file is closed by the garbage collector. * * \verbatim im.FileClose(ifile: imFile) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \verbatim ifile:Close() [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

int imFileGetAttribInteger(const(imFile)* ifile, const(char)* attrib, int index)

Returns an extended attribute as an integer. \ingroup file

double imFileGetAttribReal(const(imFile)* ifile, const(char)* attrib, int index)

Returns an extended attribute as a real. \ingroup file

const(char)* imFileGetAttribString(const(imFile)* ifile, const(char)* attrib)

Returns an extended attribute as a string. \ingroup file

const(void)* imFileGetAttribute(imFile* ifile, const(char)* attrib, int* data_type, int* count)

Returns an extended attribute. \n * Returns NULL if not found. data_type and count can be NULL. * See also \ref imDataType. * * \verbatim ifile:GetAttribute(attrib: string, [as_string: boolean]) -> data: table of numbers or string, data_type: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * If data_type is IM_BYTE, as_string can be used to return a string instead of a table. * \verbatim ifile:GetAttributeRaw(attrib: string) -> data: userdata, data_type, count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

void imFileGetAttributeList(imFile* ifile, char** attrib, int* attrib_count)

Returns a list of the attribute names. \n * "attrib" must contain room enough for "attrib_count" names. Use "attrib=NULL" to return only the count. * * \verbatim ifile:GetAttributeList() -> data: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

void imFileGetInfo(imFile* ifile, char* format, char* compression, int* image_count)

Returns file information. * image_count is the number of images in a stack or * the number of frames in a video/animation or the depth of a volume data. \n * compression and image_count can be NULL. \n * These information are also available as attributes: * \verbatim FileFormat (string) \endverbatim * \verbatim FileCompression (string) \endverbatim * \verbatim FileImageCount IM_INT (1) \endverbatim * See also \ref format. * * \verbatim ifile:GetInfo() -> format: string, compression: string, image_count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

void imFileGetPalette(imFile* ifile, c_long* palette, int* palette_count)

Returns the palette if any. \n * "palette" must be a 256 colors allocated array. \n * Returns zero in "palette_count" if there is no palette. "palette_count" is >0 and <=256. * * \verbatim ifile:GetPalette() -> palette: imPalette [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

void* imFileHandle(imFile* ifile, int index)

Returns an internal handle. * index=0 returns always an imBinFile* handle, * but for some formats returns NULL because they do not use imBinFile (like AVI and WMV). * index=1 return an internal structure used by the format, usually is a handle * to a third party library structure. This is file format dependent. * * \verbatim ifile:Handle() -> handle: userdata [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

imFile* imFileNew(const(char)* file_name, const(char)* format, int* error)

Creates a new file for writing using a specific format. If the file exists will be replaced. \n * It will only initialize the format driver and create the file, no data is actually written. * See also \ref imErrorCodes and \ref format. * * \verbatim im.FileNew(file_name: string, format: string) -> ifile: imFile, error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

imFile* imFileOpen(const(char)* file_name, int* error)

Opens the file for reading. It must exists. Also reads file header. * It will try to identify the file format. * See also \ref imErrorCodes. \n * In Lua the IM file metatable name is "imFile". * When converted to a string will return "imFile(%p)" where %p is replaced by the userdata address. * If the file is already closed by im.FileClose, then it will return also the suffix "-closed". * * \verbatim im.FileOpen(file_name: string) -> ifile: imFile, error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

imFile* imFileOpenAs(const(char)* file_name, const(char)* format, int* error)

Opens the file for reading using a specific format. It must exists. Also reads file header. * See also \ref imErrorCodes and \ref format. * * \verbatim im.FileOpenAs(file_name, format: string) -> ifile: imFile, error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

int imFileReadImageData(imFile* ifile, void* data, int convert2bitmap, int color_mode_flags)

Reads the image data with or without conversion. \n * The data can be converted to bitmap when reading. * Data type conversion to byte will always scan for min-max then scale to 0-255, * except integer values that min-max are already between 0-255. Complex to real conversions will use the magnitude. \n * Color mode flags contains packed, alpha and top-bottom information. * If flag is 0 means unpacked, no alpha and bottom up. If flag is -1 the file original flags are used. \n * Returns an error code. * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig. * * \verbatim ifile:ReadImageData(data: userdata, convert2bitmap: boolean, color_mode_flags: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

int imFileReadImageInfo(imFile* ifile, int index, int* width, int* height, int* file_color_mode, int* file_data_type)

Reads the image header if any and returns image information. \n * Reads also the extended image attributes, so other image attributes will be available only after calling this function. \n * Returns an error code. * index specifies the image number between 0 and image_count-1. \n * Some drivers reads only in sequence, so "index" can be ignored by the format driver. \n * Any parameters can be NULL. This function must be called at least once, check each format documentation. * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig. * * \verbatim ifile:ReadImageInfo([index: number]) -> error: number, width: number, height: number, file_color_mode: number, file_data_type: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * Default index is 0. * \ingroup file

void imFileSetAttribInteger(const(imFile)* ifile, const(char)* attrib, int data_type, int value)

Changes an extended attribute as an integer. \ingroup file

void imFileSetAttribReal(const(imFile)* ifile, const(char)* attrib, int data_type, double value)

Changes an extended attribute as a real. \ingroup file

void imFileSetAttribString(const(imFile)* ifile, const(char)* attrib, const(char)* value)

Changes an extended attribute as a string. \ingroup file

void imFileSetAttribute(imFile* ifile, const(char)* attrib, int data_type, int count, const(void)* data)

Changes an extended attribute. \n * The data will be internally duplicated. \n * If data is NULL the attribute is removed. * If data_type is BYTE then count can be -1 to indicate a NULL terminated string. * See also \ref imDataType. * * \verbatim ifile:SetAttribute(attrib: string, data_type: number, data: table of numbers or string) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * If data_type is IM_BYTE, as_string can be used as data. * \ingroup file

void imFileSetInfo(imFile* ifile, const(char)* compression)

Changes the write compression method. \n * If the compression is not supported will return an error code when writing. \n * Use NULL to set the default compression. You can use the imFileGetInfo to retrieve the actual compression * but only after \ref imFileWriteImageInfo. Only a few formats allow you to change the compression between frames. * * \verbatim ifile:SetInfo(compression: string) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

void imFileSetPalette(imFile* ifile, c_long* palette, int palette_count)

Changes the pallete. \n * "palette_count" is >0 and <=256. * * \verbatim ifile:SetPalette(palette: imPalette) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

int imFileWriteImageData(imFile* ifile, void* data)

Writes the image data. \n * Returns an error code. * * \verbatim ifile:WriteImageData(data: userdata) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

int imFileWriteImageInfo(imFile* ifile, int width, int height, int user_color_mode, int user_data_type)

Writes the image header. Writes the file header at the first time it is called. * Writes also the extended image attributes. \n * Must call imFileSetPalette and set other attributes before calling this function. \n * In some formats the color space will be converted to match file format specification. \n * Returns an error code. This function must be called at least once, check each format documentation. * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig. * * \verbatim ifile:WriteImageInfo(width: number, height: number, user_color_mode: number, user_data_type: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup file

int imFormatCanWriteImage(const(char)* format, const(char)* compression, int color_mode, int data_type)

Checks if the format support the given image class at the given compression. \n * Returns an error code. * See also \ref format, \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig. * * \verbatim im.FormatCanWriteImage(format: string, compression: string, color_mode: number, data_type: number) -> can_write: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup format

int imFormatCompressions(const(char)* format, char** comp, int* comp_count, int color_mode, int data_type)

Returns the format compressions. \n * Compressions are 20 chars max each, maximum of 50 compressions. You can use "char* comp[50]". \n * color_mode and data_type are optional, use -1 to ignore them. \n * If you use them they will select only the allowed compressions checked like in \ref imFormatCanWriteImage. \n * Returns an error code. * See also \ref format, \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig. * * \verbatim im.FormatCompressions(format: string, [color_mode: number], [data_type: number]) -> error: number, comp: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup format

int imFormatInfo(const(char)* format, char* desc, char* ext, int* can_sequence)

Returns the format description. \n * Format description is 50 chars max. \n * Extensions are separated like "*.tif;*.tiff;", 50 chars max. \n * Returns an error code. The parameters can be NULL, except format. * See also \ref format. * * \verbatim im.FormatInfo(format: string) -> error: number, desc: string, ext: string, can_sequence: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup format

int imFormatInfoExtra(const(char)* format, char* extra)

Returns the format information of the third party library used to support the format. \n * Format extra is 50 chars max. \n * Returns an error code. * See also \ref format. * * \verbatim im.FormatInfoExtra(format: string) -> error: number, extra: string [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup format

void imFormatList(char** format_list, int* format_count)

Returns a list of the registered formats. \n * format_list is an array of format identifiers. * Each format identifier is 10 chars max, maximum of 50 formats. * You can use "char* format_list[50]". * * \verbatim im.FormatList() -> format_list: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim * \ingroup format

void imFormatRegisterInternal()

Registers all the internal formats. \n * It is automatically called internally when a format is accessed, * but can be called to force the internal formats to be registered before other formats. * Notice that additional formats when registered will be registered before the internal formats * if imFormatRegisterInternal is not called yet. \n * To control the register order is useful when two format drivers handle the same format. * The first registered format will always be used first. * \ingroup format

void imFormatRemoveAll()

Remove all registered formats. Call this if you are checking memory leaks. * \ingroup format


mixin FreeEnumMembers!imDataType
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
mixin FreeEnumMembers!imColorSpace
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
mixin FreeEnumMembers!imColorModeConfig
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
mixin FreeEnumMembers!imErrorCodes
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


template FreeEnumMembers(T)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
