DIB GetPixel function definition. \n * the DWORD is a raw copy of the bits, use (ubyte*)&pixel * \ingroup dib
DIB SetPixel function definition * \ingroup dib
Captures the screen into a DIB. * \ingroup dib
Transfer the DIB to the clipboard. \n * "dib" pointer can not be used after, or use imDibCopyClipboard(imDibCreateCopy(dib)). \n * You cannot paste a DIB section from one application into another application. \n * Warning: Clipboard functions in C++ can fail with Visual C++ /EHsc (Enable C++ Exceptions) * \ingroup dib
Creates a new DIB. \n * use bpp=-16/-32 to allocate space for BITFLIEDS. \n * Allocates all fields. * \ingroup dib
Duplicates the DIB contents in a new DIB. \n * A Reference DIB will be copied into a full DIB structure. * \ingroup dib
Creates a DIB using an already allocated memory. \n * "bmi" must be a pointer to BITMAPINFOHEADER. \n * "bits" can be NULL if it is inside "bmi" after the palette. \n * "handle" is not allocated. buffer will point to bmi. * \ingroup dib
Creates a DIB section for drawing purposes. \n * Returns the bitmap that is also created. \n * "handle" is not allocated. \n * You cannot paste a DIB section from one application into another application. * \ingroup dib
Converts a DIB into IM_RGB packed image, with or without alpha. * \ingroup dib
Converts a DIB into an indexed image. bpp must be <=8. colors must have room for at least 256 colors. * colors is rgb packed (RGBRGBRGB...) * \ingroup dib
Converts a DIB into an RGBA image. alpha is optional. bpp must be >8. \n * alpha is used only when bpp=32. * \ingroup dib
Destroy the DIB * \ingroup dib
Converts a IM_RGB packed image, with or without alpha, into a DIB. * \ingroup dib
Converts an indexed image into a DIB. bpp must be <=8. \n * colors is rgb packed (RGBRGBRGB...) * \ingroup dib
Converts an RGBA image into a DIB. alpha is optional. bpp must be >8. \n * alpha is used only when bpp=32. * \ingroup dib
Creates a DIB from a image handle and a palette handle. * \ingroup dib
Creates a Dib from the image. It must be a bitmap image. * \ingroup dib
Checks if there is a dib at the clipboard. * \ingroup dib
Returns a function to read pixels from a DIB line. * \ingroup dib
Returns a function to write pixels into a DIB line. * \ingroup dib
Creates a DIB from a file ".bmp". * \ingroup dib
Returns a Logical palette from the DIB palette. \n * DIB bpp must be <=8. * \ingroup dib
Creates a reference for the DIB in the clipboard if any. Returns NULL otherwise. * Warning: Clipboard functions in C++ can fail with Visual C++ /EHsc (Enable C++ Exceptions) * \ingroup dib
Saves the DIB into a file ".bmp". * \ingroup dib
Creates a Dib Section from the image. It must be a bitmap image. \ingroup dib
Creates a image handle from a DIB. * \ingroup dib
Creates a imImage from the dib data. * \ingroup dib
Creates an imImage from a RCDATA in the executable/dll resources. (Since 3.9) \n * module can be NULL, it will use GetModuleHandle(NULL). \n * name is the name of the resource. If using IDs, then can be obtained from MAKEINTRESOURCE(id). \n * index is the image index in the file, 0 will return the first image. * \ingroup dib
\brief Windows DIB Structure * * \par * Handles a DIB in memory. \n * The DIB is stored in only one buffer. * The secondary members are pointers to the main buffer. * \ingroup dib
\file \brief Windows DIB (Device Independent Bitmap)
See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h